Everything you need to know about getting a facelift
If you are over 40, you have been there: The face in the mirror- it is just not you anymore. In recent years, cosmetic anti-aging procedures have gained mainstream acceptance. And while many women start with less invasive treatments, like injections and dermal fillers, at a certain point, some women consider facial rejuvenation surgery, or a face-lift, for longer-lasting and more dramatic results.
With so much information out there about facelift alternatives and facelift surgery in Paramus, separating fact from fiction can be difficult. To help you find the right answers you are looking for, here are the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about getting a facelift, from how to tell if a facelift could be right for you to the best way to achieve long-lasting results.
- Can facial exercises work as well as a facelift? Research says that performing facial exercises can tighten and tone your face much like your workouts at the gym can tone and tighten your biceps or abs.Unfortunately, the two concepts are not one and the same. Signs of skin aging like sagging skin, wrinkles, and fine lines can actually be made worse by repetitive facial movements, and no exercise is going to be able to get rid of these common indications of aging. If these are your main cosmetic concerns, a facelift or other minimally invasive alternatives like injectable wrinkle treatments are most likely going to be your best options.
- How do I know if it's the right time for a facelift? So if facial exercises are not going to do the trick, how do you decide if it might be time to opt for a facelift surgery? If your self-confidence is affected by the look of sagging skin or deep lines, a facelift surgery might be your safest bet. Also, age is not an issue. As long as you are in good health, just about anyone at any age could be a good candidate for the process. You know it's time for a facelift when you hate the look of your neck and your jawline. There is nothing short of a facelift that corrects the loose skin and neck muscles and extra fat under the chin like a well-performed facelift done by an experienced expert.
- What's recovery like? For the first few days after your surgery, plan on taking it easy and having someone around you to help you. The general recovery period is normally about 10 days. To help speed up your recovery process, make sure you're eating healthy, nourishing foods, getting plenty of rest and are following your plastic surgeon's specific recovery guidelines.
These are some of the questions you ought to consider when opting for facelift surgery. But before you get started, make sure you visit a doctor and ask him or her if you are fit enough to opt for the process.
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